"Today is the day for each of us to erect those monuments on our own battlefields and mark the place where we began again."

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A very non-lazy Sunday

Wow, I am tired. What a DAY! I've been up since 7:45 this morning and I've been going going the whole time. Here's the breakdown:

7:45 - 8:45- Wake up and get ready (Sunday clothes and everything)
8:45 - 11:00- Leave to pick up my date for this weird blind date Sunday morning breakfast date that a good friend of mine set me up on at her and her husband's house. It actually turned out to be a really fun and the girl was really cool. Plus I got a real breakfast, so it's already a good morning.
11:10- 1:30- Rush back home to be there for my little brother Weston's Aaronic priesthood ordination, eat dinner (lunch) with the family
1:35- 2:30 - Rush back up to Logan and make it in time for Sunday School.
3:45 - 4:30- I teach the lesson in Priesthood, it goes really well
4:30 - 5:00- Stay after church to talk with the bishopric 2nd counselor, was extended and accepted a calling as the Ward Facilities Chairman (I open and close the church, and shovel the snow in the winter, among other duties)
5:00 - 6:00- Catch up with roommates and we all eat quick dinners (for some reason I'm hungry already by now)
6:00 - 7:15 - CES Fireside, speaker Dallin H. Oaks, it was really good
7:15 - 8:00 - Go home and catch up on Facebook, watch videos about 9/11 (under the guise of finishing homework)
8:00 - 8:30 - Ward prayer and socializing after
8:30 - Now (9:00)- Come back and start working on blog post for the day

So yeah, today has been HECKA busy...and the greatest thing is I have no reason to believe this week will be any different...ahhh, its just like the mission again, go, go, go. Its okay, its good for me. I've gotten really lazy in my months home so it good to have a schedule again. Alright, right now I think I'll go watch a Disney movie with the girls from J1. Maybe I'll go to bed early tonight. Maybe...

Until next time...quit rushing me already!!!

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