"Today is the day for each of us to erect those monuments on our own battlefields and mark the place where we began again."

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A hello to new classes, a goodbye to an old friend

This is Jordan.
We have been best friends since junior high. 
After we graduated high school he moved to Alabama for school. 
He came home for the holidays. We had some wicked good times. 
Yesterday we (Mike and I) had to say goodbye again.
I wish I got to see him more, I love this kid!
Good luck in Alabama buddy, you're awesome!

The new semester started yesterday.
I had 4 regular classes and 3 institute classes.
I started at 8:30...
I didn't get home until 5.
2 math classes, 1 chemistry class, and one awesome martial arts class.
Preparing for Eternal Marriage, New Testament, and Book of Mormon in Institute.

Today was easier.
Just one math class, and one institute class (Parables of Jesus Christ)
Only usually on Tuesdays I will have a three hour chemistry lab, starting next week. 

Yep, its started. 
Well, if we must...bring it on school, I got this. 

Until next time...I am already sleep deprived...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pants on Fire

Okay, so I lied.

Its the 3rd of January and I totally didn't blog about my resolutions yesterday. Sorry.

But there's good news, I'm going to do it now! Yahoo! I know, you can hardly contain your excitement, right?

So without further ado, here are my resolutions for the year of 2012:

1) Better Health

 This year has been interesting in health terms. To be honest I was at my fittest at the beginning of the year on my mission, up to when I came home in March. And is that really surprising? Walking 8-10+ miles a day, eating all natural foods, sweating, well, always. That'll keep you fit. But once I got home, needless to say, I exercised less, ate more, and began to gain weight. Then I went to college and lost a little weight, due to the simple fact that I couldn't afford very much food and as a result, ate less. Plus my physical job and walking around campus didn't hurt either.

However lets just say the food I ate, and eat, as a college student isn't exactly super healthy. For the most part I lack fruits and vegetables and other important parts of a good diet. So this year I am determined to balance my diet, eat better food (what I can afford. Healthy food can be expensive!), and also get out and exercise more.

2) Better study habits

This past semester was my first semester of college and the first time I had been in school in around 3 and a half years. So as you can imagine, my study skills, now that I didn't have rigid study schedule or motivation that the mission provided me, were lacking. I did most of my studying at my apartment where there were a lot of distractions and I couldn't focus very well. Granted, my classes this last semester weren't too challenging, so I was able to do that and still pull off good grades. However, my classes won't always be that easy, so I need to start better habits now.

This semester I am determined to study every day after classes in an area on campus that I can focus, probably the library or the institute. That way I can eliminate distractions and get the studying that I need to done before coming home and doing anything else.

3) Go to the temple every week

This has been a goal of mine for a while now, but sadly I haven't been doing as well as I'd hoped, going every couple weeks instead of every week. So now I'm going to go every week. I still need to see how my schedule is going to work so I can pick a day and time when I can go consistently. I think that's the key, to get into the habit of doing it at a consistent time. So that's what I'm going to do.


The last resolution I will share is one I'm excited about. It is to simply be more positive. Sometimes I catch myself saying negative things or being pessimistic. I don't like it when that happens, and it happens more often than I care to admit. So my goal to stop saying anything negative, to only speak positively, to put a good spin on everything, and see the good in everyone. I want everyone to help me on this one. If you catch me being negative, give me a little reminder and hopefully I will be stop. I'm not perfect though. So...be patient.

 Alright, I'm not going to bore you with any more details. I've got a few other little resolutions but these are the big ones, the ones I think will most affect and change my life for the better.

I love a new year, a chance to be a new person, looking forward to how your life will change in one years time.

I'm feeling 2012, this is my year.

Oh and by the way, the world is not ending this year. Deal with it.

Until next time, seriously guys, lets make these resolutions go past February.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Missed it by that much...

Dang it.

So I was planning a blogging my New Year's Resolutions the first day of the year but...

Yeah I kind of got distracted when I was about to, and ended up going to some apartment full of people I'd never met before...and staying there for 4 hours playing games, telling jokes, and being all sorts of ridiculous. Needless to say I've got some new friends.

But back to my point, its now January 2nd!

About 2 am...

So yeah, missed the deadline.

And now its late and I don't want to rush my resolutions post so...I'm gonna do it tomorrow, I mean today, later...today...


Until next time...good night.