"Today is the day for each of us to erect those monuments on our own battlefields and mark the place where we began again."

Monday, September 5, 2011

I am a robot looking for new parts...


Yes, I am looking for new hobbies. Truth is, I guess I'm looking for something to define myself I little more. Sure, I'm Cameron, I'm LDS, I'm a political Conservative, I'm an Aggie, all great things. But I feel like I need something more. 

Any ideas? 

So far I've come up with:
Guitar playing (but seriously this time)
Hiking (hardcore)
Physical Fitness (getting ripped basically)
Cycling/Mountain biking
Dancing (ballroom, break, Dougie, etc.)
Learning more languages

All of them have pros and cons, with almost all having "Money required" in the cons list. This could be the biggest trip up. Guess I'll have to learn to save and budget huh?

So we'll see where this goes. I could pick one, or more than one, or none of these. We'll see. I guess that's my motto right now. Just do what I know, be who I am, and we'll see what happens. That's a good motto right?

Of course I have my main goals: become an engineer, marry in the temple, magnify my callings, but there's a lot of in between to fit in there. So I suppose that's the part I'm talking about. The cream between the cookies if you will. Great, now I'm craving Oreos.

1 comment:

  1. Those are all good hobbies! I vote for the physical fitness one's (hiking, biking, dancing..) It's addicting! Now I have to work out 6 days a week or I get ornery and depressed. It makes you feel good! ...and look good :)
