"Today is the day for each of us to erect those monuments on our own battlefields and mark the place where we began again."

Sunday, December 25, 2011



I hope your day has been filled with jolly cheer, and that great memories were made that will last you a lifetime!

I've been down here at my parent's house since Thursday, and I must say, it has been nice to be with my family. I always feel like I don't visit them enough and I've decided to do better and see them more often.

But let's talk about the real reason for today. Family is nice (I love them of course), presents are nice, good food is really really nice, but after all is said and done, we know why we celebrate this day.

I would like to share with you my absolute favorite depiction of the nativity. It is called "The Light of the World" by Jay Bryant Ward. I found it in the Liahona my first Christmas on my mission. I took it out and hung it above my desk during both Christmas seasons. Take a look:

I love it because of how personal and close it is, and the connection you feel between everyone depicted.

Today being Sunday, we went to church. My family's ward has it at 9:00, so it was early enough that we could go first thing before beginning our traditional festivities. After the Sacrament we heard several musical numbers sung by the ward choir, primary, young women, and young men. We ended with the choir and congregation singing "Oh Come All Ye Faithful", a song that I've never really had at the top of my favorite Christmas hymns list, but after singing and listening to its message today, is definitely up there. All in all it was a great way to begin Christmas morning, the message of Christ, His birth, and His life, in our minds.

Tonight, when the festivities were winding down, I went outside and looked at the stars. It was peaceful, quiet. I sang "Silent Night" to myself. It made me think of the enormity of God and His plan, and how grateful I was for my Savior, that someone as imperfect as me might have a chance to be live with and be like our Father, thanks to Him.

So here's to our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. May we always celebrate His birth, life, Atonement, and Resurrection, that our lives may be filled with peace.

Until next time, peace on earth, good will toward men...


  1. Such a great painting. I have never seen it before. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cam,
    It's been great having you home. I'm going to hold you to your commitment of being here more often. It's going to be difficult when you return to Logan. You're a wonderful son and the post was very inspirational. Thanks.
