"Today is the day for each of us to erect those monuments on our own battlefields and mark the place where we began again."

Monday, November 14, 2011

With a New Life come New Opportunities

I'm not a fan of writing big posts. And I realize you might not be a fan of reading them. But this one, this one is important.

It all started last Monday. Actually scratch that, it all started last September.

A guy came to my chemistry class asking if  we wanted more info about summer internships. Without really thinking I wrote down my info, sure, why not, internships are good right? Sometime later I get a call asking me if I was still interested. I said yes and the guy on the other side of the call proceeds to give what felt to me like a mini job interview. Apparently I passed, because he set up another meeting for me to learn more. Sure, why not. But unfortunately I had to work during that time so...I didn't go.

Then last Monday I get a call. Apparently they didn't forget about me, they still wanted to meet with me. Gotta love their persistence. So I agreed to a meeting. This time I wasn't working. I go to the meeting and learn about this summer management program where you run your own small house painting business over the summer. Cool right? I decided to go for it.

The story does not end there.

The week before this meeting, my friend Shay had told me about another job opportunity. This job is a sales job, selling Living Scriptures products for 15 weeks over the summer. Then the day of my meeting for the other summer internship, she tells me there's a meeting for those interested in the job. Also, free pizza. Okay, I thought, I'll give it a shot, hear what they have to say. If nothing else I get free pizza right? 

I go to the meeting and to be honest, I was quite impressed. It sounded like a great opportunity for adventure, to see new places, meet new people, gain new talents, learn more about myself, maybe win some cool prizes and vacations, and of course lets not forget the pay. Their goal was to have us make enough money in one summer so that we wouldn't have to have a job during the school year. Now I don't want to count my eggs before they hatch, but according them the average first year salesman makes around $15,000-$20,000 his first summer. Like I said, I didn't know how I would do but honestly, that's a lot of money to make in four months. Especially for a college kid like me, living from paycheck to paycheck. 

If it had been just about the money, I wouldn't have done it. Really, I've heard of a lot of jobs like that. Sounds great for you, but not for me, I would think. This is different though. Number one, this is Living Scriptures we're talking about. Any normal Latter-day Saint child would recognize them. Heck, its how I learned all the Gospel stories, from Ammon to Alma and Amulek on down to Joseph Smith. I still remember those videos. So really, its something I felt good about selling to people.

Number two, I feel like the opportunity to live somewhere else, to work hard everyday, meet new people everywhere you go, would take me back to my old mission days. And I miss those days. Sure it won't be exactly the same but something about it just calls to me, excites me. A chance to push myself again, to learn about myself, to become a better person. That's the real reason I decided to do it.

The next day I set up an appointment for an interview. It had all the normal parts of a job interview, yet somehow I felt much better about it than in other job interviews. And at the end of it, he told that he really liked me and offered me the job right there and...well, I accepted! I know, it seems really soon and honestly, things could change before summer. But as of now I feel really good about it. I'm excited! It's gonna be real hard but hey, isn't everything that's worth doing?

As for that other job possibility, the program looks really awesome. I've researched it. In all truth I will probably do that in a future summer. If you're interested look up CollegeWorks Painting. Great program, great people.

If you haven't figured it out yet, yes, this means that this summer I will not be living here in Utah. I will be afar off in some part of the U.S. I have never been, mostly likely back east somewhere like Indiana, Kentucky, or New Jersey. Least that's what they tell me.

I'm excited. Brand New Life baby.

Until next time...can I interest you in a DVD set of animated Book of Mormon stories? Yes? I'll put you down for ten...

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