"Today is the day for each of us to erect those monuments on our own battlefields and mark the place where we began again."

Monday, November 7, 2011

NSN Day 7, End of Week 1

After one week:

The close up. You can see it but...it leaves something to be desired.

Far away shot. Like I said, there, but not super visible yet.

The chin-ish area is pretty dark, but seems confined to a smaller area than I'd like.

No glasses close-up. Eh, not too bad. You can't see the sides though. Its because its almost non-existent there right now.

After one week, we are beginning to see the true potential of my facial hair.

While in some parts, namely the mustache/goatee area, it has grown quite long in a short period of time, there are other parts where it seems to be barely making its debut, namely the side burn area.

And I really wish it was thicker, and darker. But enough complaints, I'm actually starting to like it. It's really "growing on me". HAHA! A little beard humor for ya there.

But the month is young. I predict we are only seeing the beginning of a very beautiful thing.

On another note that I decided to talk about because I'm afraid you'll get bored reading about my facial hair for a month, Aggie Basketball has started!

Actually OFFICIALLY it starts this Friday with the opening game against BYU!!! It's gonna be insane!!! However we have had two exhibition games these past two weeks and I have to say, I'M HOOKED! I love Aggie basketball! Seriously folks, I don't think you know how much I get into it. I know all the cheers, I know the player's signs, and after every game my throat is sore from yelling! AWESOME!!!

I can already feel the romance blossoming...

Until next time...Cameron + USU Basketball = LOVE

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