I have no clue where I will be. Somewhere in Minnesota or Wisconsin.
It's strange. I really got used to life this year as a college student. It got really comfortable. I made tons of new friends, had tons of adventures, learned a bunch...
But I know this has to happen. Things have to change, progress, for better or worse.
I'm seeing this summer, this job, this living somewhere else, as yet another transition for my life. You see, I've never really seen my life as one continuous flow of events. It's always been divided into nicely defined chunks, defined by major changes taking place at both ends (I suppose its like that for most people). For example, when I was growing up it was divided into school years, or grades, and summers between them. On my mission is was divided into areas that I served in, and those chunks were divided into companions I served with. When I got home that chunk of time was defined as starting the day I arrived in Utah, and ending the day I moved from home to Logan. Since then I've divided that time since August into two chunks, from August to the end of 2011, and from the start of the year until now (also known as semesters).
Its like a graph where the line moves up dramatically, then plateaus out, and goes straight until something else happens, changing the line and plateauing again.
Kinda like this one, except hopefully going all up, not down into oblivion as this one seems to be.
This chunk of my life is ending, and I'm gonna miss it. I met some of my best friends in this chunk, and some of them I might never see again. It was full of some awesome times, and might yet be, there's still one month to go, and a lot can happen in a month.
Then I'm off, to be a salesman. Its gonna be different, but I feel once its time, I'll embrace it for all its worth. I've got nothing to lose but everything to gain. I'm leaving my jobs here and except for missing a little fun with friends during the summer I've really got no reason not to go. I need to do it. And for more reasons than just the money. I need to grow, to have new experiences, meet new people. I feel like I'm going to be that much better when I get back.
So I'm nervous, but excited. Optimistic about what the future brings. Wish me luck. Or better yet, pray for me. I would love that.
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